What is Overbooked? | Requesting a link,title listing or review? | Who?
Ann Chambers Theis (AKA Ann/ACT)
I really appreciate all the e-mail I receive from avid readers and writers and regret that I am not able to respond to all correspondents.
Overbooked is a volunteer project undertaken by Ann Chambers Theis: Overbooked does not necessarily endorse any commercial providers (or their products and services) linked to from this web site.
Overbooked was the winner of the 2008 Louis Shores - Greenwood Publishing Award: to recognize excellence in book reviewing and other media for libraries. The award recipient is selected for significant achievement related to a reviewing process that helps librarians make selection decisions.
Overbooked resides in Libraryland. Physically, Overbooked is based in the metro Richmond, Virginia area.
What is Overbooked?
It is resource for ravenous
readers. Special efforts are made to alert readers to books that they may not
become aware of via other book-related resources. Like a good library, Overbooked
is intended to provide access to all kinds of book-related information. So,
with any luck, there will be something to please almost everyone, and, unfortunately,
perhaps something to offend almost everyone. I (Ann the Overbooked aka Anniemouse) consider
eclecticism to be a good thing and encourage omnivorous reading.
My expertise is related to reading. I am not able to assist anyone to find agents or publishers.
Overbooked (a.k.a. Book Links) went on-line in 1994. Overbooked is a volunteer project and has visitors from all over the world.
Overbooked and slightly overwhelmed is a way of life . . . Please understand that much of the ongoing volunteer work that goes into the
creation, development and maintenance of Overbooked is done on my nonexistent
lunch break or as an after work activity. I love my "real" job at
the library and it will continue to be my main priority. I have MS. I'm doing ok, but it has slowed
me down a tad. Ok, a fair amount, sometimes. So, be patient, and bear in mind
that I am an abysmal & dyslexic typist. I really appreciate comments, suggestions, corrections
and ideas for improving Overbooked but I may not be able to respond to all email
requests, depending on my "real" workload and health.
- Because I cannot live without books.
- It is fun.
- I'm fortunate to have a job I love and access to lots of information about books. I'm grateful to have the opportunity to share this information with other book lovers.
- It is a way to channel my obsessive tendencies to organize stuff.
When was Overbooked/Book Links created?
I thought it was around 1995. But, I can't recall for sure if our wedding anniversary
date is the 7th or the 9th of September - I know it was September. I am genetically
prone to be forgetful. The first almost sentence I ever spoke was "Gotten,
Daddy?", translated to mean "What have you forgotten, Daddy?" Mike (husband)
isn't forgetful and swears that I started all this in 1994 - "when you went
over to the dark side and I lost you." He's kidding (I think). What little memory
I have is used to store bookish data.
Requesting a link, a title listing or a review?
Because I've been
slowed down with MS problems and a heavy work load at the library, I will be
limiting the addition of new links and concentrating more on original content.
At the present time I am not able to list ebooks, self-published titles and POD titles.
I am also not able to reply to all the requests for reviews I receive, I do appreciate the offers.
Special thanks to all the folks who help keep me on task, and catch my mistakes. I'm grateful for their support!
Who is Ann Chambers Theis aka Ann the Overbooked?.
I've been a librarian for over 23 years, and worked in bookstores for eleven years. I've have been a bookie all my life. I'd hate to have to chose my favorite books, but if I were forced to pick just one it would be Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. I am an omnivorous reader and disgustingly adaptable in regards to my reading tastes. I like all kinds of books and am resigned to a life where there are "so many books and so little time." You may also have noticed a fondness for bad puns, it is also genetic and not my fault.
I am a member of the American Library Association - PLA, RUSA/CODES and YALSA divisions, and a past member of the CODES Reader's Advisory Committee. I'm the past chair of YALSA's Alex Awards committee and was chair of the YALSA Task Force to develop criteria for a First Novel Award. I served on the 2010 Printz Award Committee. I'm also a member of the Virginia Library Association. I was born in Williamsburg, VA, went to college in New Mexico and library school in South Carolina. I've also lived in: Georgia, Florida, Kentucky and Ohio. If you are so inclined, you may find out a little more about me (or at least our animals and a few known associates) by visiting the infrequently updated ACT home page.
Seeing Stars
Annotated lists of books receiving at least one starred review from one of four major review sources: Booklist, Kirkus, LJ and PW.